産(chǎn)品簡介 Product Introduction
Steel anti-static floor ventilation is also known as steel-static floor ventilation, anti-staticfloor ventilation, static floor ventilation, room floor ventilation, anti-static floor vents, steelfloor ventilation, ventilation, flooring, floor vents, floor vents and so on.
産(chǎn)品結構 Product Structure
Product of 1024 and 1280 bore hole, the hole can provide 18.09% 1024 - 27.02% of theventilation rate, 1280 holes provides 22.61% ~ 33.77% of the ventilation rate. Meet theventilation requirements of different rooms and clean room. The flooring and other flooringcan be interchanged. Exquisite workmanship, precision chamfering holes, A1 gradematerials (otherwise substances), can be recycled, good static dissipative properties.
适用(yòng)範圍 Scope
Applicable to all kinds of engine room under air or the next time the wind needs.
應用(yòng)實例 Application examples
技(jì )術參數 Technical Parameters
常州恒銳特機房設備有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司 地址:常州市武進區(qū)橫山(shān)橋鎮奚巷組章家村3号 電(diàn)話:0519-88603838 傳真:0519-88610516 郵箱:czhrt66@126.com